Ellwell on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ellwell/art/Lightning-XIII-2-Breastplate-Tutorial-477894928Ellwell

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Lightning XIII-2 Breastplate Tutorial



This is quite a large file so it might take a bit of time to load up so please be patient ^^

So, as i decided to start my armour again from scratch :P I decided to do a tutorial at the same time, never done a tutorial before as i didn't think i was good enough but hey ho, i hope it helps a few people :)

If you like it and think i should do more tutorials as i continue making armour then please tell me and i will do my best ^^

As i've decided to make my armour out of Worbla this time, since it's more lightweight, this breastplate that i've made is just a mould for me, but there is no reason you can't use this if you make it out of foam as it's still wearable and functional :)

This is the first set of armour that i've decided to make, and it's all new to me so there is a lot of trial and error but i hope you guys find this tutorial useful ^^ I've also allowed it to be downloaded which is something i don't usually do, but since this is a tutorial i thought it'd be a good option :)
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7016x22845px 45.03 MB
© 2014 - 2024 Ellwell
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theBESTwispCosplay's avatar
Thanks for sharing this! It's a great technique. ~Xac